Support and Information Line
Our Support and Information line offers a confidential space for you to ask questions. Our team can provide a listening ear, help you find information and identify other useful services.
Receiving a brain tumour diagnosis, or learning of a loved one’s diagnosis, is a life-changing event that can lead to lots of questions. We know that it is not always easy to ask these of your friends or family and it can be difficult to access your healthcare team at the exact moment a question comes to mind.
Our Support and Information Line offers a way to ask questions or raise concerns about a diagnosis, treatments, including access to clinical trials, how a brain tumour may affect daily life and how you can support a loved one. Our support team can also point you in the direction of other services when appropriate.
Opening hours
Our Support and Information Line is open 9-5 Monday to Friday, but, if you email us outside of these times we will aim to respond to you as soon as possible.

How we can help you
We offer individual online and telephone support and are here to listen and help you find any information you might need. Unfortunately, the team are not medically trained, so please consult your GP or medical team for medical advice.
You can contact the team by:
- emailing us at
- starting a live chat by clicking the red live chat button in the bottom corner of your screen (will not show if no agents are available)
- calling us on 0808 800 0004
If you are concerned about your health, please contact your GP immediately who may direct you to an out of hours service. Alternatively if you need to speak to someone urgently, please contact:
- NHS (England) – 111
- NHS Direct (Wales) – 0845 46 47
- NHS 24 (Scotland) – 111
- If you live in Northern Ireland please dial 999 or your out-of-ours GP service
- Samaritans (UK wide) – 116 123
- Or in an emergency, visit A&E or dial 999
In this section

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Our closed Facebook groups are a great place to connect with other people affected by a brain tumour and share your experiences.