Brain tumour diagnosis and treatments
Here you can find key information about brain tumours in adults and children. We’ll discuss brain tumour diagnosis and treatments and give advice on living with, or caring for someone with, a brain tumour.
Brain tumours are quite complex – at present, over 130 different types of ‘high grade’ (cancerous) or ‘low grade’ (non-cancerous) brain tumours are known. Click on the links below to find out about some types of brain tumours, diagnosis methods, common treatments, and even clinical trials.

Diagnosing brain tumours
Find out how brain tumours are diagnosed including scans, eye tests, biopsies and biomarker testing.

Child brain tumour types
Information about the types of brain tumours that occur more commonly in children.

Adult brain tumour types
Detailed information about the most common types of adult brain tumour.

Clinical trials
Understand what a clinical trial is, how it works and if you may be suitable to take part in one.

Rehabilitation is the process of recovering from or adjusting to the side effects caused by a brain tumour or its treatment.

Treating brain tumours
Read about different treatment options including neurosurgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Getting the best treatment and care
Helping you understand how the NHS works, your health team and second opinions.

Resources such as books, animations for children and jargon buster to explain medical terms.

Make the right choices for you
Our Step by Step interactive guide outlines what happens following a diagnosis, to answer your questions and help you to understand what to expect.
More information on brain tumour diagnosis and treatments
If you’d like to know more about brain tumours, you can sign up for our free Information Pack. This contains physical booklets that give you information on brain tumour types and treatments, and a guide for family and friends.