Meet your community team
Our community fundraising team are here to guide, support and encourage you at each stage of your fundraising journey. Everything that you’re doing is helping us to move closer to a cure. We’re here to help you in any way that we can.
With community fundraising you can turn a passion or hobby into a fundraising challenge or
why not push yourself to try something new in the name of positive change. Whether,
you choose to pound the pavements, or put some pedal power behind your
fundraising or show off your livestreaming skills and raise vital funds.
Every step, stream or sponsored challenge brings us closer to finding kinder and
vital treatments for all affected by brain tumours. Tell us your plans and
register your event here, we can’t wait to help you achieve your fundraising

Francesca Towson
Head of Fundraising (Community)
Francesca Towson is Head of Fundraising (Community Fundraising) at The Brain Tumour Charity. Francesca has over 20 years’ experience in Community Fundraising within the Charity sector. Previously having worked for a number of charities including Make- A-Wish Foundation UK and Brain Tumour UK.
Francesca’s passion for the charity stems from personal connection with the impact this devastating disease can have on families and loved ones. Through leading a team of Community Fundraisers across the UK and developing a strong Supporter Group community, she hopes to be empower those affected to take back control by supporting them in their fundraising activities.

Firzana Khan
Community Fundraiser for London and Central England
I joined The Brain Tumour Charity because I am passionate about helping to find a cure for brain cancer.
A fun fact about me is that I love cooking, travelling and have lived in the Middle East for 4 years.
My favourite part of the job is attending events with our amazingly brave community. Meeting people and helping raise awareness about the cause is so important to me.

Claire Howell
Community Fundraiser
Claire’s background was in Financial Services for 20 years with a two year break in between to pursue a career in Scuba Diving in Thailand.
Claire was first introduced to the charity in 2013 when her husband Lee was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour. It was on The Charity’s website that Claire discovered the Romford Support group which she joined with Lee and she is still heavily involved with today. At the start of 2014 Claire and Lee started to fundraise for the charity by both having their heads shaved which raised over £3,500.00.
After Lee sadly passed away, Claire set up a Supporter Group in his memory and continued to fundraise for the charity and raise the profile of brain tumours.
Claire is absolutely thrilled to now be able to use her personal experience as a fundraiser in the community to help others. Based in Essex, Claire covers the South East region which covers Essex, Kent, Cambridgeshire and parts of London.

Liam Mackinder
Lily Finlay
Community Fundraiser for North East and Yorkshire
I joined the brain tumour charity so that I could work in a role which combined two of my passions – events and helping others. Being able to collaborate on exciting community projects with people who want to make a difference brings me so much joy.
A fun fact about me is that I taught myself guitar at age 13 and I still play and write music now!
My favourite part of the job is going to events, meeting people in our community, and building those precious working relationships with our fundraisers.

Evangeline Wragg
Community Fundraiser for Scotland, NI, Lancashire and Cumbria
I joined the brain tumour charity so that I could work in a role which allowed me to combine my passion of community work and supporting others to achieve their event goals. I love getting to know the community and and see their events come to life and help make a difference for the brain tumour community.
A fun fact about me is that I fed wild reindeer in Norway on a solo adventure.
My favourite part of the job is attending events, meeting people in our community, and building strong community relationships that continue to grow and develop year on year.
Anoushka Baker
Community Fundraiser for South West, Wales & West Midlands
I joined the brain tumour charity because I feel very strongly that charity work is what I am meant to be doing. I love being able to give back to our community and use my expertise to benefit others.
A fun fact about me is I go wild swimming all year round!
My favourite part of the job is, I really love meeting the community and supporting DIY events. It is a great insight into what motivates our supporters to fundraise for us and help us spread awareness.

Remembering Viv McBeth
We are extremely sad to have lost our wonderful and much-loved colleague Viv, to a brain tumour. Viv was our amazing Community Fundraiser in Scotland and helped to raise a huge amount of awareness and funds.
We are sure, like us, many of you will remember how her courage and humour provided support, hope and inspiration to everyone she met. We will miss her so much.