Category: Policy & Public Affairs
Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill – a start, but not yet enough
Keilan Arblaster, our Policy Involvement Assistant, outlines the implications of this bill for our community
Patient choice: Should patients have more freedom to choose?
Tonight we watched an emotional Panorama following three families as they contend with a high grade brain tumour diagnosis.
Is it time for the UK to have the right to try?
Kielan Arblastar, our Policy & Affairs Assistant, discusses the implications of the US Government’s Right to Try bill
Children and Young People Cancer Coalition
We have joined forces with other leading charities to form The Children and Young People Cancer Coalition and highlight areas where we believe progress is needed.
Welcoming the government’s pledge for increased funding for research into brain tumours
Following Tessa Jowell’s death, the government has tonight pledged its renewed commitment to research into brain tumours
Tessa Jowell: A sad loss
Our thoughts today are first and foremost with Tessa Jowell’s family, who have lost someone irreplaceable and loved beyond measure.
Baroness Jowell changed things for the brain tumour community. Her legacy will live on.
Tessa Jowell’s decision to share her brain tumour diagnosis in September last year was a watershed moment for thousands of people whose lives have been affected by the disease.
Raising issues at the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours
Grace Latter writes about the Young Ambassadors raising issues at Parliament on Tuesday
Brain tumour debate sees Ministers pay tribute to Baroness Tessa Jowell
An emotional debate covering two important issues that Baroness Jowell has been campaigning on since her diagnosis, data and adaptive clinical trials.
Today Sarah Jones MP is to lead a debate on brain tumours in the House of Commons
The debate follows a landmark summit on brain tumours in London in February, triggered by Baroness Tessa Jowell’s experience following her own diagnosis last year
Scottish Parliament brain tumour roundtable
Our Policy & Public affairs Manager Cameron Miller, outlines the progress made
MSP to chair discussion on brain tumours in Scottish Parliament
Miles Briggs MSP is to chair a roundtable discussion on brain tumours in the Scottish Parliament, bringing together researchers, clinicians, patients and carers with the goal of improving outcomes for brain tumour patients in Scotland.
Why we need politicians to be part of our Brainy Bunch
This week we held a drop-in event in Parliament for MPs. The event was a huge success, with around 40 MPs attending.
The high price of a brain tumour diagnosis: our report out today
People living with a brain tumour need better access to financial help, we’ll tell MPs at a meeting today
Joint letter asks Government to prioritise cancer in Brexit negotiations
The Government must make progress and send a clear message to patients that there will be no delay in access to these life-saving cancer drugs after we leave the European Union
Tessa Jowell calls for global collaboration at UK government meeting
Every family affected by a brain tumour was promised “action not words” today at a landmark meeting in the battle to defeat brain tumours
Experts call for innovation for research into brain tumours
The Government has today called for greater innovation in brain tumour research, as it publishes a landmark review into brain cancer research in the UK
Today’s UK Brain Cancer summit at the Cabinet Office
We will voice the hope and determination of everyone in our community today when we join government ministers, fellow campaigners and researchers at a crucial meeting today in the battle against brain tumours
Top-level brain tumour summit to follow Tessa Jowell’s call for change
Our Chief Executive, Sarah Lindsell, and our Chief Scientific Officer, David Jenkinson, will be among global brain tumour experts and campaigners meeting government ministers later this month to discuss progress against brain tumours
Better services needed for children with life-limiting illnesses
We were proud to stand alongside some of our inspirational supporters at the House of Commons today to press for better UK-wide services for children with life-limiting illnesses
Baroness Jowell calls for better cancer treatment in House of Lords debate
Former Cabinet minister Tessa Jowell led a debate in the House of Lords yesterday where she asked the Government to support her call for an acceleration of new cancer treatments and improvements in patient care
Tessa Jowell’s House of Lords Debate
Our Policy & Public Affairs Manager Cameron Miller, reflects of Tessa Jowell’s moving House of Lords debate today
Tessa Jowell highlights the devastating effect of her brain tumour diagnosis
Former cabinet Minister Tessa Jowell appeared on the Today programme this morning talking about her brain tumour diagnosis and need for more research into the disease
Tessa Jowell to lead high-profile cancer debate
Former cabinet Minister Tessa Jowell will speak out for the first time later this week about her brain tumour diagnosis as she spearheads a public debate about cancer treatments and life expectancy