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Announcing our new pioneering grants

As part of our commitment to increasing survival and halving the harm of brain tumours, we have committed over £1 million to transformative research

Female scientist examining a specimen under a microscope in a research lab setting.

We are pleased to announce that we have committed over £1 million in pioneering research in the UK and across the world. We are funding two different types of research through our funding schemes: expanding theories and clinical biomarkers.

Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40. On average, they reduce life expectancy by 20 years and have a devastating impact on quality of life. Yet only 1.5% of cancer research funding in the UK is spent on research into brain tumours. We understand that they only way to change this is by promoting quality research.

The expanding theories award is aimed at promoting innovative approaches that could fundamentally change our understanding, diagnosis, and/or management of brain tumours. The research projects are as follows:

The clinical biomarkers award is aimed at identifying and implementing different markers into the clinic. These markers will help accuracy of diagnosis, as well as tailor treatments. The research projects are follows:

The money committed to these research projects will improve our understanding of brain tumours, find effective therapies, and could change the overall management of brain tumours.