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Policies for volunteers

Here you will find copies of all the policies relating to volunteering at The Brain Tumour Charity.

Acceptable use policy – PDF

All volunteers of The Charity must comply with this Policy when using The Charity’s IT and personal information that The Charity is responsible for.

Access policy – PDF

This policy applies to all systems, people and processes that constitute The Charity’s information systems, including staff, volunteers and suppliers who have access to The Brain Tumour Charity’s systems.

Bring your own device, offsite working and password policy – PDF

The Brain Tumour Charity takes the issue of physical and virtual security very seriously. This policy sets out the main precautions that must be taken and, together with the supporting documents listed, forms a significant part of our information security management.

Bullying and Harassment Policy – PDF

The Brain Tumour Charity is committed to providing a work environment and organisational culture where the rights and dignity of every individual are respected and valued.

Equal opportunities, recruitment and selection policy for volunteers – PDF

Our Equal Opportunities Policy is to ensure that all volunteer applicants and volunteers are treated fairly and without favour or prejudice.

Health and Safety Policy – PDF

It is the policy of The Brain Tumour Charity to do all that is reasonable and practicable to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment, prevent personal injury, and obtain the co-operation of management, employees, volunteers and contractors in carrying out this policy.

Lone working policy – PDF

The Brain Tumour Charity recognises that some team members and volunteers are required to work by themselves without close or direct supervision, sometimes in work areas or out of office hours and this policy provides guidance around lone working.

Safeguarding adults policy – PDF

Through the implementation of this policy, The Brain Tumour Charity will demonstrate its commitment to safeguarding all adults at risk who come into contact with our Charity.

Safeguarding children policy – PDF

Through the implementation of this safeguarding policy, The Brain Tumour Charity will demonstrate its commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people.

Volunteer concerns and complaints procedure – PDF

The Volunteer Concerns and Complaints Procedure provides a structured way for volunteers to address their concerns with the Charity and enables grievances to be resolved efficiently and sensitively.

Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement – PDF

This policy and commitment agreement should be signed by all volunteers undertaking work or accessing our database(s), website(s), paper records or verbal information that give access to personal and/or confidential information.

Volunteer expenses policy – PDF

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on when and how to claim expenses as a volunteer with The Brain Tumour Charity.

Volunteer good conduct policy – PDF

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and a structure by which concerns about volunteers can be addressed and resolved fairly, objectively and in a consistent manner.

Whistleblowing Policy – PDF

This policy sets out the way in which individuals may raise any concerns that they have and how those concerns will be dealt with.