This is our chance to recognise the efforts of all those that have gone above and beyond to help us accelerate a cure for brain tumours
This awards ceremony is all about celebrating and recognising you – our tireless, dedicated and inspiring community.
Grace Latter, who won the Influencer of the Year Award in 2018, said: “Celebrating You is a wonderful way to give the amazing people involved with the charity a truly deserved proper celebration. It’s a treat!”
Oliver Highway, who’s living with a glioblastoma and was nominated for The Volunteer of the Year Award, said: “It was such an inspiring night and, like us, I’m sure everyone went home with a sense of both what has been achieved and the inspiration to continue supporting The Charity in the best way they can.”

Winner 2018 – The Influencer of the Year Award

Winner 2018 – Research Engagement Award

The Sarah Kitchener Perrow Fund – Winner 2018 – The Viv McBeth Award for Fundraiser of the Year

Winner 2018 – The Award for Special Recognition

Winner 2018 – The Volunteer of the Year Award

Comedian and long-time supporter of the charity, Hal Cruttenden, returns as host. Hal said: ”It was amazing to see so many fantastic people making contributions in their own way to help this admirable charity.
“A brain tumour diagnosis can make you feel alone but looking around the room that evening, I could see that we are far from it.
“The night was a huge success, celebrating everyone in the community, coming together to support each other and drive change.”
So if you’d like to tell us about your stand-out achievements, or know someone who’s been relentless in their efforts, submit your nominations in any of the categories below. Let’s celebrate the progress we’re making together.
There are five Awards open for your nominations:
1.Volunteer of the Year
Our volunteers are an inspirational group of people who give their time and energy to help move us closer to a world where brain tumours are defeated. This award is for an individual who’s made an exceptional contribution as a volunteer over the past 18 months, demonstrating the great dedication, commitment and compassion that is at the heart of volunteering.
2. The Viv McBeth Award for Fundraiser of the Year
This award recognises the outstanding fundraising initiatives and innovative efforts of an individual (aged over 18) or team. It celebrates their incredible commitment in the past 18 months in raising funds to help beat brain tumours quicker, and acknowledges these exceptional fundraisers, who won’t stop until they’ve gone the extra mile to make a difference.
3. Partnership of the Year
This award is open to teams, individuals and companies that have helped us deliver on our ambitious strategy over the past 18 months. We’re looking for innovation and collaboration through relationships that enable us to move forward in our goals more quickly and effectively.
4. Young Fundraiser of the Year
This special award recognises an inspirational young fundraiser aged 18 and under who, in the past 18 months, has shown outstanding initiative, resilience and creativity in raising funds. It celebrates their hard work and enthusiasm in going above and beyond to help accelerate change.
5. Influencer of the Year
Our community often stand up for issues that would otherwise go unnoticed or unappreciated. They champion the cause to ensure no one gets left behind and that their voices can’t be ignored. This award celebrates an individual who’s dedicated to going above and beyond for everyone affected by a brain tumour and is helping us reach our goals.
All of you – volunteers and fundraisers, researchers and clinicians, influencers and corporate partners – have played a huge part in our progress and our success.
It’s simple: we couldn’t do what we do without your passion and drive. Thank you for being part of our movement to defeat brain tumours faster.
Nominations for Celebrating You 2020 are now closed. Winners will be announced at the award ceremony in May next year.