Tag: CNS
Fitness fan fundraises following shock diagnosis.
A fitness fan was diagnosed with a brain tumour after collapsing when he returned home after his daily walk during the first lockdown.
Making the case for more Clinical Nurse Specialists
Clinical Nurse Specialists play a vital role in delivering the best treatment and care, but there just aren’t enough staff to give every patient the support they need and deserve.
A day in the life of a Clinical Nurse Specialist
Today, on National Cancer CNS Day, we’re celebrating the amazing people who help those affected by a brain tumour. Vicky Hurwitz, a Neuro-oncology Nurse Consultant based at King’s College Hospital in London spoke to us about what a day in the life of a CNS often looks like.
Announcing the appointment of our second Clinical Nurse Specialist for brain tumour patients
Kelly Dawson’s appointment at Nottingham University Hospitals is part of our landmark strategy of improving the quality for all those diagnosed
Kings College Hospital appoints our first Clinical Nurse Specialist
The Neuro-Oncology team at King’s College Hospital are excited to welcome Charlotte Robinson into the first low grade glioma CNS post in the UK
Working with NHS England to improve access to Clinical Nurse Specialists
The Brain Tumour Charity have collaborated with NHS England to better understand the role of Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) and Keyworkers who work with people affected by brain tumours.
Should it be a luxury to have a clinical nurse specialist?
If you have a brain tumour, should it be a luxury to know you will always be able to talk to one person in your medical team who knows about brain tumours and – crucially – knows about your brain tumour and its impact on you?