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Tag: education

  • Top exam tips

    Top exam tips

    Most people find exams stressful and it’s safe to say that living with a brain tumour doesn’t make them any easier! Kaleb Ells, a member of our young adults community, has shared some of his top tips for getting through exam season.

  • Revising for and sitting exams when living with a brain tumour

    Revising for and sitting exams when living with a brain tumour

    Exams are challenging at the best of times. But if you’re living with a brain tumour, you’re also likely to be struggling with fatigue, concentration or memory problems, making them even more difficult.

  • Support at school

    Support at school

    Beth was diagnosed with two brain tumours in 2014 whilst studying at university, she shares her experiences.

  • Building relationships with your child’s school

    Building relationships with your child’s school

    Louise Robinson, from Nottingham Children’s Hospital, shares her advice and talks about some organisations who may be able to help you build relationships with your child’s school.

  • Supporting your child to return to school after diagnosis or treatment

    Supporting your child to return to school after diagnosis or treatment

    This blog covers top tips for helping your child to return to school after diagnosis or treatment.