Tag: wellbeing
Being active when living with a brain tumour
Specialist physiotherapists in neuro-oncology, Jenny Collins and Serena Hartley, share their advice on taking part in physical activity when you’re living with a brain tumour.
Seven ways that talking about your brain tumour diagnosis can help!
Dr Katherine Carpenter shares seven reasons why starting those important conversations, and opening up about your feelings and experiences early on, really can make a significant difference to your wellbeing.
12 ways to boost your wellbeing
When you’re living with a brain tumour or supporting someone, it can be hard to prioritise your wellbeing. But looking after your emotional, physical and psychological needs is important.
21 days of wellbeing
Join our 21 Days of Wellbeing challenge and give your wellbeing a boost
An unexpected journey
Our Director of Services and Influencing, Emma Tingley, shares her thoughts on navigating the system after a brain tumour diagnosis, and our recently launched Patient Guide.
Computer games can build memory skills and a sharper mind – could they help brain tumour patients?
From Call of Duty to Candy Crush, digital games are played by millions around the world. But could they offer more than entertainment?