Improving access to new treatments for people diagnosed with a brain tumour is a No Brainer!
We explain why a National Brain Tumour Strategy is needed to encourage robust research opportunities for members of the brain tumour community to participate in.
When comparing the innovations in treatment options for other cancer types, the options for people diagnosed with a brain tumour today are very limited.
In fact, standard NHS treatment for brain tumours, for both adults and children, has not changed significantly for more than 20 years.
Layla was diagnosed with a brain tumour when she was just two years old. Her mum described the vital treatment she received as “brutal”:

“There’s no other word for it, her treatment and the side-effects were brutal. It was like going to hell and back.
“The treatment made her nauseous, she was vomiting all the time. She lost so much weight we had to put a feeding tube in. The ulcers in her mouth and throat meant she struggled to tolerate any food.
“The chemotherapy treatment for children uses not only drugs that were developed for adults, but also drugs developed several decades ago. And they can have long-lasting side-effects!
Making sure that children like Layla can access kinder, more effective treatments in the future is a No Brainer! If you agree, sign our open letter calling for a National Brain Tumour Strategy today.
Getting new treatments to people as quickly and safely as possible
There are some emerging treatments for brain tumours that are being explored in academic and industry research teams. Both in the UK and internationally.
Looking internationally where more treatments have been approved and included in the standard of care, it may highlight that there are a number of systematic barriers preventing new treatments from becoming available to NHS patients in the UK.
The UK needs to ensure that it remains a global life sciences hub. This means a robust, and fast assessment system that enables new treatments to get to patients with a brain tumour as quick as is safe.
Add your name to our open letter today!
Improving access to new – potentially kinder, more-effective – treatments for everybody diagnosed with a brain tumour is a No Brainer! If you agree, sign our open letter calling for a National Brain Tumour Strategy today.

What else do we want to see in a National Brain Tumour Strategy?

Increased pioneering research into brain tumours
We need more money, more staff, more capacity and more incentives to attract diverse funders. Together we can make research breakthroughs a reality.