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International Support

Wherever you live, we’re here to help. Our Support and Information services are based in the UK, so it may also be helpful to contact other organisations in your country, to get the best support for you.

The International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA) is a global network which forms a worldwide community for brain tumour patient organisations. They have information on support, information and advocacy organisations worldwide.

Find out more

We’ve listed the ways The Brain Tumour Charity can offer support to people living internationally. We’ve also put together a list of brain tumour organisations across the globe.

What support do we offer to people living internationally?

Contact our Support team

Wherever you are based, you can contact our Support Team for information or emotional support via email or Live Chat.

You can also speak to our Young Adults or Children and Families teams.

Please note that our Support team members are not medically trained and that our knowledge is limited to systems in the UK, so for specific information in your country, you may want to contact a more local organisation.

Join our online support groups

We run several online support groups where you can connect with other people affected by a brain tumour, who may be going through a similar experience. You can join our groups, regardless of where you live.

International Support Organisations

It is worth noting that much of the knowledge of The Brain Tumour Charity’s Support Services and  our information resources relate to the UK’s health and welfare system, so it may also be helpful to contact other organisations in your country to get the best help for you.

With the help of volunteers, we have created a list of organisations for people with brain tumours across the world. This was compiled from publicly available sources by volunteers, selected for their benefit or potential benefit to those affected by brain tumours.

The organisations have not been endorsed by The Brain Tumour Charity.

The list is not exhaustive and there will be omissions. 

Please contact information@thebraintumourcharity.org to request a change to this information.

Brain Tumour Alliance Australia (BTAA) support patients, carers and families affected by a brain tumour, through a support line, information resources and peer support. 
Cure Brain Cancer Foundation offers direction and support after a brain cancer diagnosis for patients and carers.
Grey Matters Australia offers patients, their family, carers and friends the opportunity to share experiences and receive support.
Peace of Mind Foundation gives courage and community to brain cancer patients, their carers and families, hosting retreats for brain cancer-affected families.
RCD Foundation supports families with a child affected by a brain tumour by organising and funding rehabilitation therapies and home assistance.

Werkgroep Hersentumoren is a patient-centred organisation providing information to brain tumour patients, relatives and care providers.

Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada gives help to anyone affected by any type of brain tumour. They offer a toll-free number for information and support.
Meagan’s Hug raise awareness of pediatric brain tumours and raise funds to support families affected by paediatric brain tumours.
Tali’s Fund supports research into treatment for rare childhood brain tumours and provides information for affected families.

Cyprus Brain Tumor Association (CBTA) run a support group on Facebook.

HjernetumorForeningen provide support for patients and their relatives with any type of primary tumour of the brain and central nervous system through information and network meetings.

ARTC provide information and support for patients and families and assist hospital services for improvement of treatment.
Oligocyte provide moral and financial support for families of patients with a brain tumour.
Oscar’s Angels France are an association of hospital volunteers providing emotional and financial support to families of children with a brain tumour who are in hospital.

Deutschen Hirntumorhilfe provide information and support to brain tumour patients and their families through website, magazine and phone services.
Gemeinsam gegen Glioblastomprovide information about glioblastoma through their website, podcasts and sharing stories.
Yes we can!cer offer digital self help groups for all types of cancer.

PVW Brain Tumour Foundation raise awareness of brain tumours in the community and offer support to those affected by a brain tumour.

Brain Tumour Support Group and Awareness Foundation provide support, including counselling, organising patient and caregiver support groups and information.
Brain Tumour Foundation of India are a charity concerned with improving the care and treatment available to people with brain tumour and their families. They provide information and financial support for treatment for those in need.

Brain Tumour Ireland hope to create a place where patients and families can come for information, guidance and comfort. They offer support groups and training for carers.
Irish Brain Tumour Support run regular support groups for patients and their families.

Oscar Angels Italy give moral and financial support to families with children or young people in hospital with a brain tumour.
AITC provides free psychological support for families and patients, a free telephone assistance line for medical information and free advice on social assistance.
Glioblastoma. IT ODV aims to provide useful advice to patients or carers affected by a glioblastoma. The site gives advice on centres of research, most advanced therapies, treatments outside of Italy and financing this. 

Stichting STOPhersentumoren is an organisation who research into brain tumours and connect people affected by brain tumours through peer groups.
Hersentumoren provide information about adult and child brain tumours.

Hjernesvulst provides information for patients and families through their website.

Brain Tumour Foundation of Pakistan offer information resources and support to all those impacted by a brain tumour, including through virtual support groups.

Glioma Foundation Centre provides support and information for patients and their families facing the diagnosis of a glioblastoma.

ASATE  are an organisation that supports the wellbeing and quality of life for those with a brain tumour by providing information, psychological care and counselling, for both patients and their families.

Svenska hjärntumörföreningen aim to create contact routes between people affected by a brain tumour, usually via Facebook, and share helpful information.

American Brain Tumour Association are the nation’s oldest non-profit organisation dedicated to brain tumour education, support and research.
Brain Tumour Network aim to be a trusted source for reliable information about primary brain tumours for patients of all ages throughout the united states.
EndBrainCancer offer one-on-one personalised support to brain tumour patients and their families.
Gray Matters Foundation aim to support and empower people impacted by brain tumours through outreach, awareness and assistance programs.
Epidermoid Brain Tumor Society are an online support group for people with an epidermoid brain tumour to share knowledge and experiences with each other.
Musella Foundation for Brain Tumor Research & Information creates educational materials for brain tumour patients. They also have a co-payment assistance programme to help patients pay for their medication.
National Brain Tumor Society has a number of organised support groups and toolkits available for both patients and caregivers.
Paediatric Brain Tumor Foundation of the United States  fund research into pediatric brain tumours, while equipping families with the education, financial relief and emotional support they need to navigate their child’s journey.
Sontag Foundation aim to provide free, individualised navigation to help patients and loved ones manage a primary Brain Tumour diagnosis, overcome treatment obstacles, and facilitate access to quality health care.  

What if I can’t find a suitable organisation for me?

This list is not exhaustive and doesn’t include every organisation offering support across the world. There are several things you can do if you cannot find an organisation in your country.

  • Contact the IBTA (International Brain Tumour Alliance). The IBTA is a global network for brain tumour patient and carer groups around the world. They have an extensive list of international support organisations.
  • Speak to your healthcare team – your doctor or someone else involved in your healthcare may be able to help you identify local sources of support
  • Look for other relevant organisations – you may wish to research organisations which support people with neurological conditions or with cancer.

What if I need financial help?

Unfortunately we cannot provide funding for individual treatment or contribute to ongoing fundraising pages. Our funding goes towards pioneering research to find new treatments, improve understanding, increase survival and bring us closer to a cure

We would recommend contacting one of the organisations listed above and talking to your healthcare team about your concerns.

One other way to raise money is via crowdfunding. There are a number of online platforms that can help you to do this.

These include:

It may also help to read this blog about how to successfully set up a crowdfunding campaign.

Check the signs and symptoms of a brain tumour

Get support

If you need someone to talk to or advice on where to get help, our Support and Information team is available by phone, email or live-chat.