Every moment counts in our quest for a cure. As our work carries on, we continue to be helped by a team of vital volunteers.
This Volunteers’ Week, we’re shining a light on some of the amazing ways volunteers have been helping us, in the face of adversity, during this period of lockdown. Here, our Volunteer Development Manager, Amie, shares stories from just some of these volunteers.
Though it’s brought many challenges, this time has provided a unique opportunity for some of our community to be able to support us in ways they wouldn’t have been able to before. In the last few months, our volunteers have been…
Joining us
After being furloughed from work, Christelle stepped forward with an offer of support to our team, identifying potential fundraising opportunities from organisations keen to support charities. Christelle lost her husband Sam to a glioblastoma in 2017, and wanted to honour his memory by helping a charity that supported her through their hardest times;
“We had so many questions around Sam’s treatment and found both the helpline and factsheets invaluable in answering those. As I work for a charity already, I have seen the impact the current situation is having on the sector and so wanted to use my time to help in some way.”
“I’ve found it really rewarding – it’s been refreshing to work on a project for a different charity to my own. During such difficult times it’s nice to know you’re doing something to help others – even if it’s only in a small way.”
We’re so grateful for your help, Christelle!
Alongside her part-time job, Sue plays a key part in our support team at Head Office, enabling our community to access digital support groups and signposting them to information resources that might help them.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve seen a rise in demand for these services, with those at risk feeling increasingly isolated. Sue has helped the team to manage this, continuing to give her time from home;
I’ve actually found volunteering from home quite easy. I know that if I have any questions I can easily ring the team and get some information or help. But I miss going into the office at the charity, because one of my main reasons for volunteering was to meet people. I look forward to doing that again.
Thank you for your support, Sue!
The organisation where Gemma and Jack work, Fluxx, have offered their expertise to our team, pro-bono, in the past. During a period of furlough leave, they reached out to The Charity again with an offer of support. Both were keen to spend their time well, and apply their skills to a new context;
“A large part of our day-to-day roles focus on dealing with uncertainty, helping organisations to innovate and identify possible opportunities. We wanted to bring these perspectives and apply them to different challenges faced by The Charity.”
Doing this kind of work effectively during a lockdown doesn’t come without its challenges; creative sessions are usually interactive and in person.
“We’ve had to adapt quickly, utilising different technology to enable collaboration, ensuring we get the most out of each session. We’ve definitely found it more draining facilitating meetings digitally – it can be tricky to read people’s body language – but it’s meant a lot to us to be able to support The Charity in this way.”
Gemma and Jack, the work you’re both doing with The Charity will make a huge difference, thank you.
Moving us forward
Having worked for a charity previously, Claire has been volunteering at The Brain Tumour Charity for five years, lending her skills and passion to many different teams. The Charity holds particular significance for Claire, having tragically lost three family members to brain tumours.
“I’d like to see more done to improve the lives and prospects of people diagnosed with brain tumours because “A Cure Can’t Wait” and The Brain Tumour Charity is contributing to this. I feel motivated and privileged to be a part of it.”
As fundraising continues to be a challenge across the sector, Claire’s current role – researching possible grants that The Charity could apply for – is more important than ever.
I have been really glad to have been able to continue volunteering from home as all my work is computer based. It has given me something useful to do and it has given my weeks structure.
Thank you, Claire, we're glad to hear it!
A heartfelt thank you
Volunteers have enabled us to continue moving forward during this time, and we’re so grateful. We’d also like to say a heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who have helped us across the last year, and whose activities have come to a halt during this time. To those of you who support our events, champion the charity in your community, raise awareness of our HeadSmart campaign, and so much more besides – we absolutely couldn’t do it without you.

Inspired by our volunteers?
By giving your time you’ll be helping to move us closer to our vision of a world where brain tumours are defeated.