Ollie was diagnosed in September 2019 with an extremely aggressive, high grade brain tumour. Ollie had finished his A levels and went on a summer holiday with some of his good friends… three days from his return, he was suffering with severe headaches. This was completely out of the blue for Ollie. He was taken to accident and emergency at Nottingham’s Queen Medical, where they CT scanned Ollie straight away and gave him the news that there was a dark area showing up on the CT brain scan; they were unsure. Two weeks later, after more episodes of severe headaches, he was rushed into hospital. This time an MRI showed no improvements; they were still unsure but not able to take any more time, which may be putting Ollie’s life at risk.
A team of neuro surgeons came to see Ollie on the ward and told him that they would like to operate as soon as possible. The next day Ollie had craniotomy surgery to debulk a suspected brain tumour and a sample was sent off to be analysed. Two weeks later the results were back and Ollie was called in to be told that he had aggressive brain cancer and straight away was to start six weeks of daily visits to the Nottingham City Hospital for Radiotherapy; and to start to take a chemotherapy tablet (Temozolomide).
In February 2020 Ollie had an MRI, which showed progression of the cancer. His oncologist said there was not much more they could do for him. They gave him two options; the first was to go home and enjoy the time he had left with his family and friends; or he could choose to take part in an intensive six month course of intravenous chemotherapy – a week in hospital, week at home, week on, week off, for as long as he remained well enough, and only to prolong his life – but he was told he would lose any remaining quality for the time he had left, from the effects of chemotherapy.
That day, I don’t think Ollie was even listening to the first option, I know the three of us were with him, in that same room, listening to every word.
Ollie just got on with it!
What a beautiful brave young man… only the bravest can look death straight in the eye and smile back.
Many little extra stories to tell along the journey of the next six months, but he shocked them all along the way with his characteristic beauty and strength …and he always made all the staff on the Teenage Cancer Ward, Nottingham City Hospital, smile and giggle, every day.
Those extra five and a half months were perfect, that Ollie managed to give to his family… and especially to all his friends.
On Saturday August 15th 2020, Ollie had a seizure and went into a coma. He never woke again and died on the morning of Monday 17th August. We were right beside him to the end.
The Brain Tumour Charity rely 100% on voluntary donations and they couldn’t fund their vital work which includes world-class research, offering the highest level of support and driving urgent change, without the generosity of people like you.
- Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40.
- Over 5,000 people lose their lives to a brain tumour each year.
- Almost 11,700 people are diagnosed each year with a primary brain tumour – that’s 32 people every day.
Research offers the only real hope of dramatic improvements in the management and treatment of brain tumours. Over £500m is spent on cancer research in the UK every year, yet less than 3% is spent on brain tumours.
Thank you for your support.